May 13, 2021
LGBT Elders and the COVID-19 Vaccine
By: Diverse Elders

This article originally appeared on the SAGE blog.

As more people across the U.S. access the vaccine, SAGE is working hard to ensure that LGBT elders receive reliable information and care. We want members of the older LGBT community to feel confident and safe in their decisions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Read more to access some resources from SAGE.

Statement from SAGE Member Alston Green

“The topic of COVID-19 is looming topic of most people worldwide, especially as this pandemic has impacted older adults and minority groups in particular. Many have met news of a vaccine with skepticism. As an African American, I also had reservations about the vaccine. Historically, the Tuskegee Experiment and that with Henrietta Lacks gave me pause with such a rapid role out of the vaccines and how it might impact me directly. Fortunately, seeing credible statistics shared by prominent African American scientists and doctors gave me more confidence in the distribution of the vaccines. Additionally when Columbia Presbyterian Weill Cornell hospital provided the vaccines for employees and volunteers, I was eligible to receive inoculation.  I completed the second regime of the Pfizer vaccine. I have had limited reactions to the injections. It does give me confidence that I have a chance of not succumbing to the virus. I will continue the recommended practices to avoid exposure.  It is important for our demographic LGBT elders to get the vaccine as many of us are exposed to pre-existing medical conditions. I encourage you to speak with your doctor and determine if this is best for you.”

BIPOC, LGBTQ+ Seniors Cannot Wait Any Longer for COVID Vaccine

SAGE LGBT Elders with Supporters Rainbow Flag 1440x721 @2x


SAGE CEO Michael Adams and Yanira Cruz, President and CEO National Hispanic Council on Aging, co-wrote an op-ed in The Advocate to address the need for older LGBT and BIPOC people to receive the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. They shared, “We call on public health and governmental authorities responsible for COVID-19 vaccine distribution to provide special attention and outreach to older people who are LGBT and/or people of color.”

Three Ways To Avoid COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

Because vaccine distribution varies by state and territory, scammers are taking advantage of the possible misinformation and confusion as these plans roll out. SAGE’s National Resource Center shared a resource offering tips about how to avoid potential vaccine scams.

You can also consult the CDC’s website to find information about vaccination administration, storage and handing, reporting, and patient education for each specific vaccine.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Diverse Elders Coalition.