

We ensure that the unique needs of diverse elders are addressed at the Federal, State, and Local levels.


We work with policy experts across our organizations to address the needs of American Indian/Alaska Native elders; Asian American, Pacific Islander American, and Native Hawaiian elders; Black and African American elders; Hispanic and Latino/Latina elders; and LGBTQ elders.


As the Diverse Elders Coalition, we produce original policy analysis and resources, speak with policymakers and advocates to highlight the issues of our communities and share solutions, and work to ensure the needs and perspective of diverse elders are at the forefront of national and local conversations on aging.

Advocacy Areas

Equitable Access

Ensure all federally funded programs include person-centered, trauma-informed, culturally appropriate and accessible services to reduce disparities in aging services and supports for diverse older adults. The Diverse Elders Coalition strives to ensure equitable access to the spectrum of services and lifelong needs for diverse older adults.

Family Caregiving

The Diverse Elders Coalition is working to increase support for family caregivers, who are providing unpaid labor to ensure that their family members, friends, and neighbors can age with health and dignity. This includes advocating for comprehensive, universal paid family and medical leave to family caregivers that include a broad and inclusive definition of “family”.

Aging in Place

The Diverse Elders Coalition is working to ensure adequate resources to enable diverse older adults to age in a place of their choice, within age-friendly communities. This includes advocating for federal standards for measuring equitable access to Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) in Medicaid.

Data Collection

Expand data collection, disaggregation and reporting both among and within diverse populations. It is vital to create and promote a federal demographic data collection standardization requirement, modeled after DEC Members’ and expert partners’ best practices.

Policy Focus

Older Americans Act

The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the country’s leading vehicle for delivering services and supports to older people nationwide and was reauthorized in March 2020. We will be pushing for our nation’s leaders to move for reauthorization in 2024.

Immigration Reform

Immigration reform presents a key opportunity to strengthen our programs and policies to better support older immigrants. Our families deserve to be united, not divided.

The Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, and Engage (RAISE) Act

The RAISE act provides for the establishment and maintenance of a National Family Caregiving Strategy. The DEC annually submits comments to the RAISE Advisory Council to ensure the inclusion of diverse communities in national strategies