ACA Open Enrollment and Diverse Elders

ACA Open Enrollment and Diverse Elders

In the first year of health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the number of uninsured people in the United States dropped by 10 million. During periods of open enrollment for the ACA, new people can purchase health care coverage in the Marketplace and...
Facts and Factors: HIV and Diverse Elders

Facts and Factors: HIV and Diverse Elders

Similar to the “graying” and “browning” of America, the rapid growth of elders with HIV has brought forth unique challenges that must be addressed immediately and effectively. Elders already bear disproportionate physical, financial, and...
As the Fabric of Our Country Changes in Texture

As the Fabric of Our Country Changes in Texture

As the fabric of our country changes in texture, our communities will be the thread that sustains the future. This pamphlet introduces the Diverse Elders Coalition and briefly highlights some of the work that we do on behalf of elders of color and LGBT...