by Diverse Elders | Feb 20, 2020
African American older adults are disproportionately affected by diabetes, which affects more than 10% of African American adults. Without proper management, diabetes may increase the risk for other diseases including cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and...
by Diverse Elders | Feb 16, 2020
by Kellee Terrell. This article appears on the Diverse Elders Coalition blog courtesy of Black Health Matters. I try to live my life by the saying “knowledge is power.” Knowledge helps us make informed decisions from everything, including who we vote for, what we eat...
by Diverse Elders | Jan 22, 2020
By Raymond A. Jetson. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Just a few weeks ago, 24 African-American teenage boys from a local high school in my Baton Rouge, La. community were recommended for suspension. Their crime: participating in a “fight club.” They...
by Diverse Elders | Jan 20, 2020
On January 15, 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. King’s family always knew that he was special, but no one knew how special he would turn out to be, with his influence still being felt today. As one of the most prominent leaders of the...
by Diverse Elders | Jan 14, 2020
by Richard Eisenberg. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Sixty percent of Americans have at least one chronic disease, such as heart disease or diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Chronic diseases are even more common...