The Incredible Disappearing Affordable Care Act

The Incredible Disappearing Affordable Care Act

Well, September has officially passed. The Republican attempt to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has officially sunsetted. Hallelujah. …right? My fleeting sigh of relief was almost immediately replaced with concern over the...
The Incredible Disappearing Affordable Care Act

Lasting Friendship Makes Aging Worth Living

This post originally appeared on the Chinese American Healthy Aging blog. 95% of the older U.S. Chinese population in Chicago rely on kin-centered social networks for support and resources, according to an aging study focused on the Chinese population. But echoing a...
The Incredible Disappearing Affordable Care Act


Last month, I was in New York City to celebrate reaching another decade with four of my friends. Three of these friends I have known since high school, and we were roommates at one time or another in college. My son, Aiden, calls them his “aunties,” because they have...