by Diverse Elders | Dec 22, 2020
This article originally appeared on SF Bay Times. By Dr. Marcy Adelman– Shelly has been living with Alzheimer’s for several years now. Her wife Joan is her caregiver. Joan emailed me in search of a referral to someone who could advise her about Shelly’s sleep...
by Diverse Elders | Dec 2, 2020
This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. The National Indian Council on Aging (NICOA), the Diverse Elders Coalition and the National Alliance for Caregiving are hosting a webinar focused on the needs of American Indian and Alaska Native caregivers in the...
by Diverse Elders | Sep 9, 2020
By Nary Rath. This article originally appeared on the SEARAC blog My mom arrived to the United States in 1983 fleeing from war and genocide to seek refuge. She was 21 years old when she started a new life in Ohio and then set roots in Connecticut, where she raised my...