We ensure that the unique needs of diverse elders are addressed at the Federal, State, and Local levels
We work with policy experts across our organizations to address the needs of American Indian/Alaska Native elders; Asian American, Pacific Islander American, and Native Hawaiian elders; Black and African American elders; Hispanic and Latino/Latina elders; and LGBTQ elders. As the Diverse Elders Coalition, we produce original policy analysis and resources, speak with policymakers and advocates to highlight the issues of our communities and share solutions, and work to ensure the needs and perspective of diverse elders are at the forefront of national and local conversations on aging.

Dr Yanira Cruz, President & CEO of NHCOA presents findings from the DEC’s economic security report, released June 2012.
- Integrating elders of color and LGBT elders into health reform initiatives.
- Preserving and strengthening Social Security.
- Expanding Medicaid nationwide.
- Strengthening supports and services for older adults living HIV.
- Ensuring that the Older Americans Act includes LGBT older people and provides services that are culturally and linguistically competent.
- Supporting inclusive immigration reform
- Advancing economic security for diverse elders.
- The Diverse Elders Coalition is working to increase support for family caregivers, who are providing unpaid labor to ensure that their family members, friends, and neighbors can age with health and dignity. We’re also closing the competency gaps that prevent paid caregivers from providing the best care to elders from diverse backgrounds. LEARN MORE >>
- We are engaged in an ambitious civic engagement project to bring the needs — and the voices — of our communities to policymakers and service providers. We’ve compiled our findings into a new report, “Aging with Health and Dignity: Diverse Elders Speak Up,” which will inform our work in the years ahead. LEARN MORE >>
- As the 115th Congress debates whether to repeal the Affordable Care Act, the Diverse Elders Coalition is committed to raising awareness about the value of the ACA to our communities and making sure that everyone in our communities who needs to access appropriate health care coverage is able to do so. LEARN MORE >>
- We use our shared research and collective voice to produce reports, fact sheets, webinars, and other resources about the needs of diverse elders, and we share these resources with policymakers, advocates, and funders. LEARN MORE >>
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