by Diverse Elders | Oct 24, 2019
by Scott Bane, Program Officer, The John A. Hartford Foundation. This article originally appeared on The John A. Hartford Foundation’s “What We’re Learning” blog. Dear Colleagues— Family caregivers provide an estimated $470 billion in unpaid...
by Diverse Elders | Sep 25, 2019
by Melba Newsome. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. When Altrice Ward’s 82-year-old mother was hospitalized after falling for the third or fourth time, Ward knew she had to face an uncomfortable reality: Her mother could no longer live on her own. So,...
by Diverse Elders | Aug 28, 2019
This article is part of a series of profiles of the inspiring SAGE constituents who were part of the Stonewall uprising in 1969, an event that inspired the modern LGBT-rights movement. It was originally published on the SAGE blog. Charles “Valentino” Harris, known to...
by Jenna McDavid | Aug 26, 2019
In case you missed our webinar on health research and health disparities with the All of Us Research Program, a recording of this webinar is now available here. Just enter your name and email address and you will be able to watch the full presentation at any time!...
by Diverse Elders | Aug 21, 2019
by Leoneda Inge, WUNC North Carolina Public Radio (Aug. 6, 2019). Leoneda Inge reports on the Music Maker Relief Foundation, which has helped improve the lives of more than 400 artists for the past 25 years. Listen to the audio report. The life of an aging blues or...