Elders Come for Indian Day at the National Senior Games

Elders Come for Indian Day at the National Senior Games

by Kayla Sawyer. This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. The National Senior Games Association (NSGA) came to Albuquerque from June 14-25, attracting a record number of 13,712 athletes from 50 states (plus an estimated 15,000 family members and friends),...
Sleep Is Crucial to Healthy Aging

Sleep Is Crucial to Healthy Aging

by Kayla Sawyer. This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. It is a common misconception that sleep needs decline with age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that 61-64-year-olds get seven to nine hours, and adults 65 and older get seven...
Honey: A Story of Defeating PTSD

Honey: A Story of Defeating PTSD

by Chunxiang Jin. This article originally appeared in the World Journal. To read the original article in Chinese, click here. Cheryl “Honey” Dupris has multiple identities. She is a strong woman, a Native American, a paratrooper, and an Iraq war and Afghanistan war...