This article originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. It is also available in Spanish. Every day, the number of older people living with HIV in the country and in the world increases. One reason is because treatments have improved and are helping people with the disease...
Connecting with Community
By Sally Ching. This article originally appeared on the SEARAC blog. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to dedicate my life to fighting inequities. In what capacity, however, was something I struggled to identify until later in my life. I considered various...
It’s Time to Stop Neglecting the Needs of American Indian and Alaska Native Caregivers
This article originally appeared on Generations, American Society on Aging. Editor’s Note: This article represents the second in a series by the Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) to be published in Generations Today. Articles are connected to ASA-hosted webinars; see end...
Why understanding the impact of the pandemic in Detroit’s Bangladeshi community is more complicated than you think.
By NARGIS HAKIM RAHMAN. This article originally appeared on Tostada Magazine. Growing up in my Bangladeshi family in Hamtramck, I could literally hear someone turn on the shower next door. In the summer months, I could almost eavesdrop on entire conversations taking...
To Heal, We Need Community
The article originally appeared on SEARAC. Dear SEARAC community members, Over these last few weeks, SEARAC has joined Asian Americans across the country in grief and in alarm over the ongoing anti-Asian violence recently culminating in a nationwide series of separate...
A Caregiver’s Guide to Visiting your Loved One in a Hospital or Nursing Home During COVID-19
By Dr. Eboni Green. This article originally appeared on Caregiver Support Services. COVID-19 restrictions have made it difficult to visit your loved one if they live in a nursing home or are in the hospital. While these restrictions exist to keep everyone safe, it can...