This article originally appeared on SAGE blog. The past year has forced us all to be adaptable, tenacious, and compassionate. But this was not our elders’ first pandemic and it was not the first time they had to come together to support one another through hard...
Looking for ways to combat fears, doubts and access issues regarding the Covid-19 vaccines?
By Karyne Jones. This article originally appeared on the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging (NCBA)'s website. Greetings! Rather than a live webinar, NCBA has developed a recorded webinar for you to view at your convenience to help in your outreach to older...
Looking for our next Strategic Planning Consultant!
The DEC is seeking to hire a consultant/consulting agency to help with our 2021 strategic planning process. This includes identifying the coalition's priority advocacy areas, priority program areas, and plans to increase direct engagement with older adults from the...
COVID-19 and transplant patients
By NHCOA Media. This article originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. Although it is not known exactly if COVID-19 will be more severe in transplant patients, it is known that the disease is frequently more severe in people with weak immune systems—which includes...
As Asian Pacific American Heritage Month wraps up, it’s time to reflect
For Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, Diverse Elders Coalition staff Lauren Pongan and Ocean Le sat down to talk about the significance of the month for them... Lauren: APAHM 2021 is almost over, but I just wanted to take a minute to catch up about this...
Cuidadores en Tiempos de Emergencia / Caregivers in Times of Emergency
Editor’s note: The following article provides the English translation of part of a half-hour documentary on eldercare in Puerto Rico. The full program was broadcast this April in Spanish with English subtitles [ ]. Mayra Acevedo wrote and...