by Tracey Gronniger. This post originally appeared on the Justice in Aging blog. If you work with older adults (or have older adults in your life), you have a sense of what we all need as we age. The burden of high health care and housing costs on low-income seniors...
New to Three things you should know
This post originally appeared on the blog. If you haven't applied for insurance on before, here are three things to know about the Health Insurance Marketplace: Open Enrollment for 2018 health insurance runs from November 1 through...
The Incredible Disappearing Affordable Care Act
Well, September has officially passed. The Republican attempt to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has officially sunsetted. Hallelujah. ...right? My fleeting sigh of relief was almost immediately replaced with concern over the...
NEW Your Money, Your Goals Train the Trainer Webinars
In November, the National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. (NICOA) is hosting two FREE online webinars that will teach attendees how to become trainers of a financial empowerment program called Your Money, Your Goals. The program is from the Consumer Financial Protection...
Diverse Elders Coalition urges CMS Innovation Center to identify and meet the needs of diverse older adults
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 23, 2017 Contact: Jenna McDavid, National Managing Coordinator 646-653-5015 Today, the Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) submitted a letter to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Innovation Center in response to a request...
Sixty-six and still a caregiver: Bharti Parikh faces the future
This post originally appeared on the India Home blog. By all accounts, Bharti Parikh, 66, has led an exciting life. Her life has been an adventure that took her from a childhood in the tiny village of Patton in Gujarat, India, to a law degree, and fulfilling years in...