by Matthew S. Bajko. This article originally appeared in the Bay Area Reporter. While enjoying her 72nd year on the planet, Donna Personna knows her remaining days are numbered. Yet the prospect of her demise doesn't scare her. "The end question. 'The end.' It's not a...
To Eliminate Race Disparities in Diabetes, We Must Address Social Determinants of Health
by Susan Buchanan. This article originally appeared in the Louisiana Weekly. In the United States, diabetes is most prevalent among Southerners and residents of Appalachian regions. Blacks are afflicted more than whites. Over a third of African American seniors are...
NAPCA Gives Thanks!
As 2018 comes to an end with the start of the holiday season, we at the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) take time to pause, reflect and give thanks as we are grateful for so many things: our experienced Board of Directors for their sound leadership, our...
SAGEPositive: How SAGE cares for long-term survivors of HIV
By Aspen Christian. This article was originally published on the SAGE Blog. Did you know that by the year 2020, 70 percent of the people living with HIV in the United States will be over the age of 50? How about that older adults (age 50 and up) account for 17 percent...
Major Steps toward Affordable Housing in Austin, Texas
by Pramod Sukumaran. This article originally appeared on Salud America. Access to safe, affordable housing is a priority for good health. Access to housing protects families and promotes feelings of security that can reduce stress. Affordable housing located near safe...
The spirit of the Gray Panthers stirs to life at GSA national meeting
By Barbara Peters Smith. This article originally appeared in the Herald Tribune. The atmosphere at this year’s meeting of the Gerontological Society of America -- scientists and social scientists who study the last third of the human lifespan -- struck me as less...