This post originally appeared on the NCOA blog. According to a recent Gallup Poll, there are approximately 2.4 million lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people over 50 years old. We know that many LGBTQ/SGL (same-gender loving) elders never came out of...
Dignity, respect, and care can’t wait
This post originally appeared on the SAGE blog. The Trump administration is giving businesses and medical providers a license to discriminate: to deny services to LGBT individuals based on religious or moral beliefs. In response, SAGE is enlisting the power of the...
The Hook
Next week, the Diverse Elders Coalition will be participating in SEARAC's annual Leadership and Advocacy Training (LAT) program in Washington, D.C. This post from SEARAC's new Director of Communications and Development, Elaine Sanchez Wilson, shares how the LAT...
Two Spirit and LGBT Natives Are Making a Difference in Their Communities
June is LGBT Pride Month and although there are Two Spirit and LGBT members within Native communities, they are often apprehensive to come out. As the Indigenous Ways of Knowing Program at Lewis & Clark Graduate School of Education and Counseling notes, family is...
Highlights of Older Americans Month and Asian Pacific American Heritage Month!
The month of May was an exciting month for us at the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA). May was not only designated by the Administration on Aging as Older Americans Month, but Congress also designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month (APAHM)....
Pains, Trains, and no Automobiles: Abu Sayeed’s Commute Highlights Transportation Difficulties for Elders in NYC
This article originally appeared on the India Home blog. Three mornings a week, Abu Sayeed, 64, wakes up in his home in Cyprus Hills in Brooklyn, NY, worrying about the subway. He wonders if he’ll manage get the right train. How long will he have to wait? As he gets...