by Heron Greenesmith. This post originally appeared on the Justice in Aging blog. Tina and Jackie were born in the same town in 1947. Despite similar beginnings, their lives take very different turns. In 1967, Tina meets Frank. And Jackie meets Frances. As a same-sex...
Aggressive Deportation Policies Tear Family Caregivers Away From the Elders Who Depend on Them
Aggressive deportation policies, like those that have been enacted since Trump's inauguration, tear families apart -- including elders and the family caregivers they depend upon. Since 1980, the share of households headed by an immigrant has doubled (from 7% to 14% in...
Statement of the #CaringMajority
People across our country are enjoying longer lives. In fact, 10,000 people are turning 65 every day. This is great news for all of us, as we have longer to enjoy the intergenerational relationships that make our families stronger. However, it provides a challenge for...
Challenges Loom for Growing Elderly Filipino American Population
by Neil Gonzalez. This article originally appeared on New America Media. Betty de Guzman takes her ailments in stride. The gracefully dressed, pixie-haired 78-year-old has been a breast-cancer survivor the past 16 years. “When I got diagnosed, I said so be it,” she...
NAPCA tells Congress about the needs of older Americans in the workforce!
In response to the United States Senate Special Committee on Aging’s Request for Information, the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) delivered comments on the opportunities and challenges facing older adults in the workforce and provided recommendations...
Sign-on to Protect AAPI Data Disaggregation
Show your community solidarity against efforts to divide us. The Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) is a proud champion of the nationwide, community-driven movement to disaggregate Asian American and Pacific Islander data categories to reveal the...