At this time of year we often see cards that say “Peace on Earth.” Gatherings of family and friends make us think of our bonds to other people and a wish for peace. But what does peace really look like in our lives? Take a moment to think about how peace looks (or...
Diverse Perspectives on The Older Americans Act
A year into working at the Diverse Elders Coalition, I’ve been struck by the learning curve for the range of issues facing the elder constituencies our member organizations serve. I have worked on some of these issues in previous jobs, and I have some experience in...
NAPCA’s 12 Days of Giving
The holiday season is such a wonderful time of year! It’s a time for joyous celebration with family and friends and a time to pause and reflect on the many blessings in life. At NAPCA, we are grateful for so many things: our experienced Board of Directors for their...
Solidarity with Syrian Refugees
This year marks the 40th year anniversary since the United States opened its doors to millions of men, women and children from Southeast Asia seeking humanitarian protection. SEARAC’s communities—Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese American communities—arose from the...
December 7: A Day that will Live in Many Infamies
As someone with very personal connections to both military servicemembers and the Japanese American community, I hold today, December 7, with a complex set of meanings and experience the gamut of emotions. “I’m feeling all the feels” as they might say these days. The...
Reimagine the social contract in America: caring for our loved ones
This post originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. This past Thursday, I had the great pleasure of attending the Family Values @ Work annual convening at the Ford Foundation in New York City. It is always great to hear the voices of those who share the goal of...