Undocumented Latinos Aging in New England’s Shadows

Paiute Tribe Elders Navigate a Faltering Health Care System

By Debra Utacia Krol, High Country News Dennis and Betty Smartt live in a neatly painted white-and-blue home on the Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Reservation, on the Nevada-Oregon border. They’ve spent their entire lives here, in this small tribal community of...

Undocumented Latinos Aging in New England’s Shadows

Diverse Elders Coalition Condemns the Trump Administration’s Ban on Words Including “Diversity” and “Vulnerable”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 16, 2017 CONTACT: Jenna McDavid National Managing Coordinator Diverse Elders Coalition jmcdavid@diverseelders.org || 646-653-5015 Christina DaCosta Director of Communications SAGE cdacosta@sageusa.org || 917-553-3328 The Diverse Elders...