If you're caring for an aging parent, spouse, partner, grandparent, relative, friend, or neighbor, we want to hear from you! The Diverse Elders Coalition is currently surveying caregivers from our communities to learn more about the diverse experiences of family...
Let’s Talk Aging, Caregiving and Cultural Competence at This Year’s Aging in America Conference
It's April, which means that the American Society on Aging's 2019 Aging in America Conference (AiA19) is right around the corner! The Diverse Elders Coalition and our five member organizations will be on the ground in New Orleans from April 15th through the 18th,...
Cultural competence: a challenge facing health care providers
Hispanics are one of the country’s largest ethnic groups and one of the fastest growing demographics, making up 17 percent of the U.S. population. As a group with higher rates of chronic disease, they face barriers navigating the health care system. These barriers...
Doctor, Doctor: Changing Caregivers is Like Getting a Divorce
This article originally appeared in A&U Magazine. What do you mean, you’re retiring at the end of the year?! You can’t do that! We’ve been together for twenty years! You can’t just walk out on me like that! When you’re a long-term HIV/AIDS survivor and have been...
What Matters? Don’t Let Health Care Get in the Way
by Dr. Terry Fulmer, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. When it comes to health care, what matters varies from person to person and differs depending on your state of health or illness. For one person, it might...
Deportees with Few-to-No Options in Mexico
by Jacqueline García. This article was originally published on La Opinión. To read the original article in Spanish, click here. || por Jacqueline García. Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en La Opinión. Para leer el artículo original en español, haga clic...