The last time the White House Conference on Aging happened, back in 2005, I was personally in a major life transition: I had just taken a new job, moved across the country, and was too busy planning my new life in Los Angeles as a young 30-something to think about the...
Collecting Stories from Our Communities: The Diverse Elders Stories Initiative
Some of our greatest tools to make positive change on behalf of our constituents are stories from older adults, their loved ones, advocates and community members that illustrate the struggles and triumphs of aging as people of color or LGBTQ people. We share these...
Tell your State Senators to Reauthorize the Older Americans Act
This blog originally appeared on the National Hispanic Council on Aging's blog. The Older Americans Act is the single most important piece of legislation for older Americans that supports senior centers, long-term care programs, transportation services and other...
Advocating for Diverse Elders at the 2015 Aging in America Conference
The Diverse Elders Coalition will be representing our constituents and communities at the 2015 Aging in America Conference, held March 23-27 at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, IL. This annual event is open to the public and brings together colleagues and leaders from...
Around the Country in 180 Days: The White House Conference on Aging Regional Forums
The 2015 White House Conference on Aging is slated to be held later this year in Washington, D.C., but in the months leading up to the big event, multiple regional forums are being held around the United States, bringing together “a community of older Americans,...
SAGEWorks: Supporting Our Elders in the Workforce
As we round the corner on Black History Month, I am encouraged to take the heritage and history we’ve all been reminded of over these past few weeks and use it to create a better world today for our Black elders. You may have seen the hashtag #BlackFutureMonth being...