New Report: LGBT Older Adults Face Unique Challenges to Successful Aging

What do South Asian Elders in NYC Want?

As one of the only non-profits in New York city serving Indian, Pakistani, Indo-Caribbean, and Bangladeshi older adults, India Home recently undertook a survey of Bangladeshi elders the organization serves at its Desi Senior Center in Jamaica in order to gain an...
New Report: LGBT Older Adults Face Unique Challenges to Successful Aging

The Painful Struggles of America’s Older Immigrants

by Chris Farrell. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. America’s immigrant community is aging along with the rest of the population, and in many cases, with great financial difficulty. Some 15 percent of adults 60 and over were foreign-born in 2015,...
New Report: LGBT Older Adults Face Unique Challenges to Successful Aging

Social Connections and Healthy Aging

This post originally appeared on the NICOA blog. The importance of friends and family to our health is well understood by American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN). Though the specific traditions of tribes, pueblos, nations, and bands can differ quite a bit between...