In Fond Memory of David Kim

In Fond Memory of David Kim

With heavy hearts, we at the Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) remember and honor the late David L. Kim, President and CEO of one of our six Member organizations, the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging.   David fought for language access and equitable, culturally...

Reflections from the pews: Navigating faith, heritage, and cultural loss

Reflections from the pews: Navigating faith, heritage, and cultural loss

By Phun H. This article originally appeared on SEARAC's blog. My older sister and I stand at the entrance to the sanctuary, the harmonious singing of the congregation beckoning us in. Sun scans the backs of heads for mom while I pull and tug at my skirt to ensure it...

Reflections from the pews: Navigating faith, heritage, and cultural loss

Dual identity

By Katrina Dizon Mariategue. This article originally appeared on SEARAC's blog. As we celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May, I reflect deeply on what it means to be both Asian and American. I identify as 1.5 generation immigrant from the Philippines....

I remember that Hmong means free

I remember that Hmong means free

By Kham Moua. This article originally appeared on SEARAC's blog. The night was filled with the heat of a blazing fire and the sight of countless sparks of paper swirling in the air. The darkness slowly faded into the first light of dawn, marking the final evening of...