The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) was awarded $6,469,374 by the U.S. Department of Labor to provide critical job training and employment services through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) for five months from February to June...
SAGE Awards Gala Brings in Record Donations for LGBT Elders
This post originally appeared on the SAGE blog. SAGE Participant George Stewart: "SAGE feels more like a family than an organization." Photo: Dan Klein Photography On October 17, LGBT leaders and allies came together for the 21st Annual SAGE Awards & Gala to honor...
Medicare Open Enrollment: Are You Ready to Pick A Plan?
This post originally appeared on It’s picking season—pumpkins, apples, Halloween candy… and a Medicare health or drug plan. Medicare Open Enrollment runs from October 15–December 7! Picking a plan is an important and personal decision. Each person has a...
A Cowboy Hat and the Push to Register Voters
by Brad Wong. This article originally appeared on Equal Voice News. It’s the afternoon in the Atlanta area and Charles “Chuck” Ware is fielding questions by phone about the importance of voting in Election 2016. At the same time, the grassroots advocate is speaking...
This Hispanic Heritage Month, Let’s Rejoice in the Beauty of our Culture
by Bianca Perez. This post originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. Celebrating Latino heritage means rejoicing in our culture and its differences, commemorating our traditions, and applauding our accomplishments. It means feeling proud of our background and exposing...
Elevating data to better serve AAPI older adults
The White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) and University of California, Riverside co-sponsored a challenge to hear from the public about novel approaches to analyzing, interpreting, and presenting data about Asian Americans and...