I am carrying my eight-month old grandson around the house, trying to help him let go and go to sleep. As I chant “Ne-ne Ko-ko, Ne-ne Ko-ko, Ne-ne Ko-ko, Yoh-oh” (sleep baby, sleep baby) over and over, I remember my grandmother carrying me on her back before my...
Exercise for a Healthy Life
by Christine Herman, NCAREE Technical Communications Manager for NICOA. This Post originally appeared on the NICOA blog. While there are many factors that contribute to good health, diet and exercise remain key. In the not so distant past, American Indians and Alaska...
NHCOA Promotes Leadership, Advocacy and Community-Driven Solutions at Miami Open Forum
This post originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. The National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) brought together more than 100 elected officials, social advocates and service providers along with members of the older adult population in an open forum in the Miami-Dade...
LGBTQ Families of Choice Devastated By an Act of Terrorism
This morning I woke to sadness and heartbreak, hoping still that the nightmare was not a reality. As I searched for morning traffic reports, all stations and channels were reporting updates on the weekend tragedy that rocked the nation and hit my LGBT community at the...
Bringing Elders and Youth Together to Learn Language, Life Skills
I am a huge fan of intergenerational programming. Both children and elders can feel silenced by a world that tends to privilege people of other ages, and there's something powerful about meeting and learning from the people who've come before or the people who will...
LGBT and Latino Elders Stand in Solidarity on Orlando Shooting
In light of the tragic shooting at an LGBT club/community space in Orlando earlier this week, two Diverse Elders Coalition members -- the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) and Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) -- have released a joint statement in...