by Robert Espinoza and Jean Accius. This article originally appeared on the blog of the American Society on Aging. In early April, as the COVID-19 crisis spread across the world, two notable developments took hold. First, the United States became the pandemic’s...
Elder Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19
by Dr. Octavio N. Martinez, Jr., Executive Director, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. This article originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. Para leer en español, haga clic aquí. COVID-19 is caused by something so small we cannot even see it, a virus known as...
183 National, State, and Local Organizations Call on Congress to Ensure Nondiscrimination Protections in COVID-19 Response
Last week, Family Equality, along with nearly 200 national, state, and local organizations, sent a letter to Congressional leaders asking that they ensure the protection of vulnerable communities in any COVID-19 response legislation. The letter was drafted by Family...
AIDS Services Know How to Love in a Plague
by John-Manuel Andriote. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. (Editor’s note: This story is part of Still Here, Still Positive: A series on the first generation of Americans aging with HIV/AIDS, with support from The John A. Hartford Foundation.) Just as...
Coronavirus Pandemic Exposes Gap in Mental Health Services for Seniors
By Dr. Marcy Adelman. This article originally appeared in the San Francisco Bay Times. The COVID-19 crisis, and with it the need to shelter in place, have exposed gaps in San Francisco’s services for seniors and LGBTQ seniors in particular. The city has long...
Diverse Elders Coalition Launches New COVID-19 Resource Hub
The COVID-19 pandemic has directly impacted older adults and caregivers in the United States. COVID-19 cases have surpassed 1 million, and there is at least one COVID-19 case in all 50 states. Individuals with weaker immune systems and underlying health conditions are...