by Jason Resendez and Stephanie Monroe. This article originally appeared on SaludAmerica! In our work with the UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Alzheimer’s Disease Disparities Engagement Network, we are reflecting on the numerous challenges and injustices people of color face...
Sleep Is Crucial to Healthy Aging
by Kayla Sawyer. This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. It is a common misconception that sleep needs decline with age. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that 61-64-year-olds get seven to nine hours, and adults 65 and older get seven...
The Nation’s Largest LGBTQ-Inclusive Affordable Housing for Older Adults
This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. When applications opened for New York City’s first affordable housing property for LGBTQ older adults recently, 1,000 people eagerly sent theirs in on that first day. This underscores a genuine need. Not only is New...
Eradicating Elder Abuse is Everyone’s Responsibility
by Dr. Terry Fulmer, President, The John A. Hartford Foundation. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Are you safe at home? Many of us take the answer to that question for granted. After all, our home should be our refuge. It should be a place where we...
Hatefas’ Story: Public Assistance Allowed My Refugee Family to Dream for a Better Future
Born in Santa Ana, CA, to two Muslim refugee survivors of the Cambodian genocide, Hatefas Yop wasn’t aware of her family’s use of public services when she was a young girl. After all, her peers in her elementary school all hailed from the local neighborhood, where...
A New Project Aims to Make Residential Care More LGBT-Friendly
This article originally appeared on the PHI blog. Two months after my mother entered a nursing home at age 73, she made a firm request to the home’s administration: add a Spanish-language channel to the lineup being offered throughout the facility. They obliged,...