Dear Colleague, April was National Minority Health Month, and May is Older Americans Month. In observance, we invite you to explore our resources for delivering culturally and linguistically competent long-term services and supports (LTSS). Long-term services and...
Confronting the Wounds of Racism
by Andi Mullin and Amanda Ptashkin. This article originally appeared on the Community Catalyst blog. During our recent visit to Montgomery, Alabama, we had the opportunity to confront our nation’s gruesome history of slavery, mass incarceration and racism, while also...
Social Security Scammers Are Calling
by Kayla Sawyer. This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is getting more reports about people pretending to be from the Social Security Administration (SSA) calling to get Social Security numbers and even money. This is a...
Quality of Life Enhanced for Seniors with Companion Animals
by D. Kevin McNeir. This article originally appeared in the Washington Informer. Much has been reported about a paradigm shift within American society which looms on the horizon and cannot be ignored: In less than 20 years, according to U.S. Census data, older adults...
States Need Pragmatic Policy Solutions to Better Support Family Caregivers
by Rani Snyder, Program Director, The John A. Hartford Foundation. This blog originally appeared on The John A. Hartford Foundation website. Dear Colleagues— At JAHF we want to know how we can better support family caregivers—the nearly 18 million family members in...
Spotlighting aging and caregiving in diverse communities at the 2019 Aging in America Conference
Last week, I traveled to New Orleans for the 2019 Aging in America Conference, hosted by the American Society on Aging (ASA). This annual event brings together thousands of people working in the aging field for a week of workshops, film screenings, events and...