by David Wahlberg. This article originally appeared in the Wisconsin State Journal. Dr. Matthew Weiss’ “patient,” an older man playing the role of an 80-year-old with diabetes, told Weiss he recently fell on the way to the bathroom and hit a dresser. “I toppled over...
Protecting Southeast Asian American Families
In a recent essay published in AAPI blog Reappropriate, Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC) executive director Quyen Dinh recounted what is what like for her to grow up poor and not know it. In elementary school, my day started with getting breakfast from...
The Ways Inequality Affects Black Americans at the End of Life
by Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Jodi Savage was her grandmother’s caretaker in her last days. Like many black Americans, her grandmother’s cultural beliefs and religious background led to very little discussion around the...
LGBT Seniors Grapple With End-of-Life Issues
by Matthew S. Bajko. This article originally appeared in the Bay Area Reporter. While enjoying her 72nd year on the planet, Donna Personna knows her remaining days are numbered. Yet the prospect of her demise doesn't scare her. "The end question. 'The end.' It's not a...
To Eliminate Race Disparities in Diabetes, We Must Address Social Determinants of Health
by Susan Buchanan. This article originally appeared in the Louisiana Weekly. In the United States, diabetes is most prevalent among Southerners and residents of Appalachian regions. Blacks are afflicted more than whites. Over a third of African American seniors are...
NAPCA Gives Thanks!
As 2018 comes to an end with the start of the holiday season, we at the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) take time to pause, reflect and give thanks as we are grateful for so many things: our experienced Board of Directors for their sound leadership, our...