Guest Post by Cara V. James, PH.D. October 15 marked the start of the Medicare Open Enrollment period. It will end on December 7, 2013. During this time, all people with Medicare are encouraged to review their current health and prescription drug coverage, including...
In the Crosshairs of Health Disparities: Older Latinos, HIV and Depression
December 1st is World AIDS Day By Mark Brennan-Ing, PhD, Director for Research and Evaluation, ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging Latinos are the largest and fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S., and comprise 17% of the population. They are often viewed as a monolithic...
Webinar Recording: Why the Affordable Care Act Matters to Diverse Older People
The health coverage expansions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will affect you, your loved ones and your communities. The Diverse Elders Coalition represents millions of diverse older people age 50+ who are among those affected: they include the Health Insurance...
Webinar. Dec. 5: The Affordable Care Act and Medicare
When: Thursday, December 5, 2013 at 2:00pm ET Where: Please register early for the event. Webinar link: Who: Cara V. James, Director, Office of Minority Health, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, U.S. Department...
What Being American Indian Means to Me: In Recognition of Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month and November 29, 2013 is Native American Heritage Day. What does this mean to me? I am American Indian of Navajo descent. I was raised on the Navajo Nation all my life. Since I grew up on the Navajo Nation I thought the world...
Sharing Stories, Leaving Legacies: How Intergenerational Programs Empower Diverse Elders
By Hitomi Yoshida, Research Associate, Temple University Intergenerational Center Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude, reunions, and celebrations with family. However, many of us have ambivalent feelings about these family interactions. Our mixed feeling can range...