Memories of Our Grandparents

Memories of Our Grandparents

Sunday, September 13th is Grandparents Day, and at the Diverse Elders Coalition, we are so grateful for our grandparents: whether you say grandmother, grandfather, abuela, abuelo, oba-chan, ojisan, lola, lolo, yeay, taa, tutu, halmoni, halapoji, bibi, babu, awa, tata,...

Memories of Our Grandparents

Advocating for AAPI Older Workers in the Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act

The Senior Community Service and Employment Program (SCSEP) is a federal program that helps low-income jobseekers who are 55 and older, and assigns them to subsidized community service employment opportunities where they update their skills through on-the-job...

Memories of Our Grandparents

Connecting the Dots Creates New Leadership

Please Note: This Op-Ed first appeared in the Gay City News. You can find the original here. After the Supreme Court’s decision for marriage equality in late June, 26 million friends of the LGBTQ community showed their support — at least on that issue —by putting a...

Our Member Organizations

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging
National Caucus and Center on Black Aging
National Hispanic Council on Aging
National Indian Council on Aging, Inc.
SAGE Advocacy & Services for LGBT Elders
Southeast Asia Resource Action Center