This post originally appeared on the NHCOA blog. Every day, 11% of our workforce shows to up work hoping to not get sick. These workers probably also hope their children, parents, and dependents don’t get sick as well. That is the daily reality of American workers...
Raising Awareness and Eliminating Health Disparities for National Minority Cancer Awareness Week
When I’ve given trainings to healthcare and social services providers about cancer in the LGBTQ communities, I always find it interesting to ask the audience, “Does it matter who a breast lump spent Valentine’s Day with?” Or, “Does it matter what country the lump’s...
National Healthcare Decisions Day: Are You Ready?
April 16th marks the 8th annual National Healthcare Decisions Day, a commemoration that exists to inspire, educate and empower the public and healthcare providers about the importance of advance care planning. NHDD organizers encourage all adults – regardless of age...
Support Groups for Survivors: Commemorating National Minority Cancer Awareness Week
This post was written by Liz Margolies, LCSW, Executive Director of the National LGBT Cancer Network. In 2013, the National LGBT Cancer Network and LGBT HealthLink surveyed over 300 LGBTQ-identified cancer survivors and found that, overwhelmingly, our communities...
Dr. Wesley Lum Selected as New NAPCA CEO & President
The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) is one of the five Diverse Elders Coalition members. NAPCA recently selected a new CEO, Dr. Wesley Lum. Below is the announcement from NAPCA about Dr. Lum's appointment. We at the DEC are looking forward to...
Health Action NM Releases Health Coverage Resource for Native Americans
This blog written by HANM staff member Colin Baillio originally appeared on the Health Action New Mexico website. In collaboration with the National Indian Council on Aging and the Diverse Elders Coalition, Health Action New Mexico has released a resource to help...