by Bella Chen. This article originally appeared in Sampan Newspaper. To read this story in Chinese, click here. Imagine this: You live where you were born and raised for almost 30 years. You have a comfortable life with your wife, your child and your parents in your...
NAPCA 40 for 40 Spotlight: Li Yi Li
The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) was founded 40 years ago on November 1, 1979 to address the divide between AAPI elderly and the services they were entitled to. In 40 years, NAPCA has directly served tens of thousands of AAPI elders and indirectly...
2020 Census Overlooks Caregivers
by Kayla Sawyer. This article originally appeared on the NICOA blog. The 2020 Census fails to ask two important questions that affect more than 43.5 million Americans. The missing questions address whether a U.S. resident is a caregiver for an adult family member or a...
The Movement For Indigenous Peoples’ Day
This content was originally published by NPR. Click here to listen to the Latino USA podcast. In the U.S., the second Monday in October is reserved for Columbus Day, in honor of the Italian navigator Christopher Columbus. But not everyone is on board with celebrating...
The importance of LGBT love, identity, and history in October and all year long
October is LGBTQ History Month, and here are two stories from the Asian Pacific Islander LGBTQ community that capture some of their history. Both of these individuals are over 60 years of age. Bill Tashima lives in Seattle, Washington where he moved so he could live...
Celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month
In addition to being Hispanic Heritage Month, LGBT History Month, and Filipino American History Month, October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This month, we celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities and educate everyone about...