by Diverse Elders | Jul 27, 2023
July marks National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about mental health conditions currently prevailing among diverse groups. The aim is not just to shed light on these issues’ gravity but also to break down the...
by Michael Adams | Jul 25, 2023
By Michael Adams. This article originally appeared in the As LGBTQ+ people and our allies continue to celebrate Pride throughout the summer, we have been pummeled with an avalanche of laws passed in more than 20 states targeting LGBTQ+ youth, their...
by Diverse Elders | May 31, 2023
By Phun H. This article originally appeared on SEARAC’s blog. My older sister and I stand at the entrance to the sanctuary, the harmonious singing of the congregation beckoning us in. Sun scans the backs of heads for mom while I pull and tug at my skirt to...
by Diverse Elders | May 31, 2023
By Lisa Le. This article originally appeared on SEARAC’s blog. The season of Tết, the Vietnamese New Year, is my favorite time of the year. For me, Tết encapsulates not only the weeks of preparation leading up to the days (or even weeks!) of celebration, it...
by Diverse Elders | May 31, 2023
By Katrina Dizon Mariategue. This article originally appeared on SEARAC’s blog. As we celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in May, I reflect deeply on what it means to be both Asian and American. I identify as 1.5 generation immigrant from the...