This post originally appeared in the Pacific Citizen. I recently received a very kind note from a man named Herb. In his note, he talked about reading one of my articles and expressed his amazement at my bravery. He also said, “This may be easy for me to tell you, but...
Telling Our Stories for World AIDS Day 2016
Each year on December 1st, we join millions of individuals and organizations around the globe in commemorating World AIDS Day. The prevention of HIV/AIDS – as well as the continued care of those living with HIV – has always been a top priority for the Diverse Elders...
Healthy Eating, Healthy Aging
Funded by Walmart Foundation, the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) has partnered with 19 Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) focused community-based organizations across 16 cities from across the nation to deliver our “Healthy Eating Healthy...
Refugee elders support each other after a long, difficult journey
by Hitomi Yoshida, with with support from Naw Doh, Shira Walinksy and Melissa Fogg, members of the Southeast by Southeast Community Center in Philadelphia. Hitomi is a long-time friend of the Diverse Elders Coalition, and you can read her stories of intergenerational...
Indian Country on the Move
Bright lights and big cities: they’re attracting more and more American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) to move toward urban and metropolitan areas at an ever-quickening pace. Just before World War II, almost all – some 92% - of AI/ANs lived on reservations. Now...
SAGE Stands Firm on Agenda for Older LGBT Americans in Wake of General Election
This post originally appeared on the SAGE blog. Dear Friends, At SAGE we see the results of this week’s election through our commitment to building an equitable world where all LGBT elders are valued and have boundless opportunities. SAGE’s commitment is shaped by our...