This post originally appeared on the SEARAC 40andForward blog. My name “Quyen” was named after the story of a bird in Viet Nam, who missed its country so much that it would call out for home. My mom brought me into this world two days after she turned 20. She gifted...
What Should We Hope To Achieve Through Health System Transformation?
This is the first in a blog series outlining Community Catalyst’s policy priorities for Health System Transformation. Each subsequent blog will take a deeper dive into one of the six areas we believe must be addressed to achieve better care, better value and better...
How Can We Help our LGBT Community Age Successfully?
This post originally appeared on the SAGE blog. How can we help our LGBT community age successfully? It's a difficult question, but one that SAGE is determined to answer with our many resources and programs--including our innovative "Successful Aging" program. A quick...
The Affordable Care Act and Diverse Elders
November 1st marks the beginning of an open enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace. From now until January 31, 2016, Americans can elect to purchase healthcare coverage from for 2016. (American Indian/Alaska Native members of federally...
Memories Worth Fighting For
I remember the day I graduated from college like it was yesterday. My family flew in from our small town in South Texas to watch me become the first person in our family to graduate from college. The look on my mother’s face as I walked across the stage on that sunny...
Bringing Local Perspectives to Washington, DC: The NHCOA Capitol Hill Briefing
On Wednesday, October 28, the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) held a Capitol Hill Briefing to launch its new report, “Status of Hispanic Older Adults: Recommendations from the Field.” The report provides a comprehensive overview of the needs, challenges,...