Join a Focus Group! Community Catalyst and Faces & Voices of Recovery are looking for people to participate in focus groups to help improve treatment and services. What is the purpose of the groups? The groups will discuss what results people want...
SAGE Holds Inaugural LGBT Elder Housing Symposium in Washington, D.C.
SAGE, with support from Citi Community Development, will gather experts in the housing field to elevate LGBT elder housing issues and collaborate on innovative partnerships and solutions On Tuesday, October 29th, SAGE brought together housing developers, nonprofit...
Cultural competence is the key to trust and respect between clients and direct care workers
Dear Colleague, Resources for Integrated Care (RIC) has developed a series of briefs, described and linked below, to help long-term services and support (LTSS) providers, administrators, and other stakeholders, support a diverse direct care workforce that can meet the...
Imani Woody: Building a Home for LGBTQ Older Adults
by Grace Birnstengel. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Imani Woody’s father left her his home in Washington, D.C. — the one she grew up in — when he died in 2010. Faced with the decision of what to do with the house, Woody, a lifelong activist for...
Caregivers Need Support for their Diverse Needs
by Scott Bane, Program Officer, The John A. Hartford Foundation. This article originally appeared on The John A. Hartford Foundation's "What We're Learning" blog. Dear Colleagues— Family caregivers provide an estimated $470 billion in unpaid care each year. All family...
Perla Rosales-Garay, M.D., Inspires Her Community Through Exercise and Alzheimer’s Education
This article originally appeared on the Alzheimer's Association website. Dr. Perla Rosales-Garay began working at The University of California in 1997, promoting health and nutrition for people living with diabetes. Today she dedicates her time to her patients and to...