With the rapid growth of our diverse population, our country is becoming more beautiful than ever. But unfortunately, there are still some groups that are not well understood by the nation’s service providers, or by local, state and federal governments. One of those...
LGBT Elders: Poverty’s Challenges Worsen With Age
At 81, George Stewart has been a longtime advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older people in New York City. He's a former Army clerk and U.S. Air Force court reporter, and last summer he was selected by the White House as one of six Champions...
Untold stories of Asian & Pacific Islander LGBT Elders: “I think the need to be accepted overcame their need to be themselves.”
Three things to know as May ends and we look towards June: May is Older Americans Month. It’s also Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month. And I work for the country's largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of lesbian, gay,...
Immigration Reform Moves Forward! Now, We Need Your Stories!!
BY DOUA THOR, FORMER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, SOUTHEAST ASIA RESOURCE ACTION CENTER (SEARAC) Thank you to everyone who called your Senators to tell them to vote NO to deportation based only on suspected gang membership and NO on detaining immigrants in deportation...
Infographic: LGBT Health, Racial Disparities, and Aging—by the Numbers
Download the infographic LGBT Health, Racial Disparities, and Aging—By the Numbers, today! Americans who are people of color, older adults and LGBT identified (referred to in this blog post as LGBT elders of color) often have unique needs because of the intersections...
Life Lessons from a Hmong Grandfather to His Granddaughter
The following is a guest post from SEARAC's Bao Lor. “Wake up, kids! It’s 6:30!” my grandpa said as he pulled off the blanket that covered my head. I moved around, pretending to stretch and then curling back into a ball. Through my squinted eyes, I could see that my...