The Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) is an advocacy and education coalition made up of five national organizations representing millions of elders of color and LGBT elders around the country. The DEC focuses on strengthening policies and programs to enhance the health...
Recognizing Older Latinas During Women’s History Month
March is National Women’s History Month. Recognizing the contributions older Latinas make is important, but it does not happen often enough in our society. The Hispanic older women that the National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) works with encourage others to...
The Re-launch is here!
Two weeks ago, we announced that we would be re-launching the Diverse Elders Coalition Blog. Read here to find out more. We are thrilled that this day has finally come. As we previously promised, in addition to our regular contributing bloggers, we will have exciting...
We are Re-launching On March 18!
The Diverse Elders Coalition (DEC) was founded in 2010, and in July 2012 we launched our official website, which also serves as a news and commentary blog on the social, political and economic issues affecting the growing yet vulnerable demographic of elders who are...
HIV/AIDS is Still an Issue for Older Gay Black Men
In honor of Black History Month, the SAGE Blog will feature a post on LGBT aging in the black community every Thursday during the month of February. February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, so our first post in the series is on HIV/AIDS in the black...
Honoring MLK Day of Service: How One Volunteer Gives Back to Her Community
January 21, 2013 will mark the official Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Day of Service, empowering individuals and communities to come together and volunteer their time to get involved and give back. Americans are encouraged to help out where they can, whether it’s...