This post originally appeared on the India Home blog. Until eight weeks ago, Rabeya Khanom had never used the internet. “I didn’t know anything about it,” she told me. She had just said goodbye to her computer teacher at India Home’s Desi Senior Center and was feeling...
Extreme Heat
This post originally appeared on the NICOA blog. It is officially summer time, and with summer comes hot weather. Unfortunately, sometimes the weather gets too hot and becomes extreme heat, which can cause heat-related illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and...
NAPCA tells Congress why SCSEP is important and valuable to our communities!
As the only job training program focused exclusively on helping older Americans return to the workforce through temporary paid work experiences that can lead to unsubsidized employment, the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) knows firsthand the impact of...
Black, Gray and Gay: The Perils of Aging LGBTQ People of Color
by Chandra Thomas Whitfield. This article originally appeared on Cecelia Hayden Smith, 72, knows exactly how she wants to live out the remainder of her golden years: lounging lazily on the porch of a cozy house tucked along a quiet, treelined street in...
“We need to ensure that older adults are centered in the LGBT movement.”
We’re continuing our Pride Month series of interviews with staff from SAGE || Advocacy and Services for LGBT Elders. Today, we’re talking with Karalin Sprague, Manager of Lifelong Learning. Kara tells us about the exciting programming for LGBTQ older adults and allies...
Take pride in your community, take initiative, and be a voice for LGBTQ older adults
It's Pride Month, and the Diverse Elders Coalition is excited to continue its series of interviews with advocates from SAGE || Advocacy and Services for LGBT Elders. This week, we talk with Daniel Puerto, Outreach Coordinator, about what LGBT older adults and their...