by Kevyn Burger. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. After surviving a heart attack and a cancer diagnosis, Carol Riddell feared being kept alive by machines more than she feared death itself. The retired teacher had made her end-of-life wishes clear to...
AMA offers 6 tips to improve heart health during American Heart Month
by Kelly Jakubek. This article originally appeared on the American Medical Association website. To help the millions of Americans currently living with high blood pressure reduce their risk of heart attack and stroke, the American Medical Association (AMA) is offering...
Hágase Contar: Hispanic older adults must be counted by the 2020 Census
Did you know? Hispanic/Latino* households in the United States are at risk of being undercounted by the 2020 Census. Latinos have been undercounted for decades, disadvantaging our families, communities, and neighborhoods. Today, there are 56.5 million Hispanics living...
Why The New ‘Public Charge’ Rule Could Hit Older Immigrants Hard
by Jaya Padmanabhan. This article originally appeared on Next Avenue. Devyani Dave immigrated from India to California in 1995 in her early 60s to live near her son and his family. Her green card was sponsored by her son (who prefers not to reveal his name), a citizen...
The Voices of the Silenced
by SAGE Communications. This article originally appeared on the SAGE blog. When asked to think of the predominant challenges facing people as they age today, the common answers may be physical mobility and accessibility, savings and wealth management, or finding safe,...
Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities Count: 2020 Census and AAPI Older Adults
The phrase “Asian American and Pacific Islander” is an umbrella term encompassing millions of people in the United States, including nearly 50 different ethnic subgroups speaking more than 100 languages. The incredible diversity of the Asian American and Pacific...