This story by Kaiser Health News senior national correspondent Sarah Varney aired Nov. 24, 2017, on Here & Now. Angelia Soloman watched out the window of her ranch house in northeastern Houston as the floodwaters rose up to the windowsills. She huddled inside with...
Possibilities: Creative Aging through the Arts
This post originally appeared on the India Home blog. It’s India Independence Day, 2017, and at the celebration being held at Queens Borough Hall in Queens, NY, the young announcer invites the next act to come up on stage. Ten women from India Home file in and start...
Kintsugi: A Survivor’s Reflection on World AIDS Day 2017
This article originally appeared in A&U Magazine. When the Japanese mend broken objects, they emphasize the damage by filling in the cracks with gold. They believe that when something has suffered damage and has history, it becomes more beautiful than before. This...
Native American Heritage Month – Digital Storytelling
National Native American Heritage Month pays tribute to the rich traditions of Native Americans, and one of those traditions is storytelling. For the past month, the National Indian Council On Aging (NICOA) has been sharing the most recent stories from the Native...
Results of the National Hispanic Council on Aging’s 2017 National Caregiving Survey
Family has always been at the heart of Hispanic values. A big part of that value includes caring for our elders. In fact, providing care for our elders is often considered an honor and is performed willingly. However, caregiving does not come without its own...
NAPCA Receives the 2017 Community Organization Recognition Award for Positively Impacting the Health and Quality of Life of AAPI Communities
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 10, 2017 CONTACT: Wes Lum, (206) 624-1221 The Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus for Public Health of the American Public Health Association has awarded the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA) the 2017 Community Organization...