Our training curriculum, Caring for Those Who Care, is a resource for health, social service providers, and aging professionals to learn about the unique needs of diverse family caregivers. The training curriculum will equip professionals with insights into the lived experiences of the following populations:

  • African American and Black Caregivers
  • American Indian and Alaska Native Caregivers
  • Chinese American and Korean American Caregivers
  • Hispanic and Latino Caregivers
  • LGBTQ+ Caregivers
  • Southeast Asian American Caregivers


This 90 minute training will provide a high-level overview of the six diverse caregiving communities represented by the Diverse Elders Coalition. The overview combines cultural insights, dynamic learning activities, and novel findings from the research to raise awareness and bolster culturally informed practices for health and aging professionals. Providers can expect to leave the training with an introduction to the following:

• Key research findings from a survey of more than 1000 diverse family caregivers

• The impact of culture and care on the health and well-being of diverse family caregivers

• Organizational and provider-level best practices

• Resources for further learning


Each 1 hour training module focuses on the unique needs of each of the six caregiving communities represented by the Diverse Elders Coalition. Providers will have the opportunity to learn about the challenges diverse family caregivers face every day in caring for their loved ones while navigating health and aging systems. In addition, providers will gain quantitative and qualitative insights into the challenges and benefits of diverse family caregiving. Providers will learn best practices and identify ways they can better support and serve diverse family caregivers.

The training can be tailored to meet the needs of your organization through a combination of the 7 different modules and price points vary

Request a Training

If you would like more information or want to request a training at your facility, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Inquire today about finding a training that fits your needs!

Diverse Family Caregivers Toolkit

Download the DEC’s Resources for Providers: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers Toolkit. This toolkit offers topline information on what providers need to know, and key pieces from our comprehensive training curriculum, Caring For Those Who Care: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers. Whether you’ve already attended one or more of our trainings, or this is your first time looking into what’s available to help you support diverse family caregivers, we think you’ll find these resources to be invaluable in building a more welcoming, supportive practice.

Diverse Family Caregiving Resources from our Curriculum

What Providers Should Know Factsheet Series



The research and development of this training curriculum has been generously funded by The John A. Hartford Foundation.




The John A. Hartford Foundation



Curriculum was co-developed with the expertise of the Diverse Elders Coalition Member Organizations:

National Asian Pacific Center on Aging.  National Hispanic Council on Aging National Indian Council on AgingSAGEhttps://www.searac.org/